[劫火, Geophwa]
겁소 (劫燒) 또는 겁진화 (劫盡火)라고도 말함. 세계가 괴멸 (壞滅)하는 괴겁 (壞劫) 때에 일어나는 큰 화재. 이것은 성 (成), 주 (住), 괴 (壞), 공 (空)인 사겁 (四劫)의 하나로 네 번째. 사겁 (四劫) 참조
The fire in the kalpa of destruction: The fire which occurs at end of the kalpa of destruction, a conflagration at the end of a kalpa, the fires that end an eon. It is the penultimate of the four phases in a kalpa--formation, continuity, destruction and emptiness. Cf. (Sageop) Four phases of cosmic law from construction of the universe to its annihilation.