[法擧揚, Beopgeoyang]
법거량이란 스승에게 깨침을 점검받거나, 두 깨달은 사람 사이에 주고받는 말, 문답, 제스처 또는 반응들로 이루어지는 일종의 선문답. 상대방의 실력을 재본다는 뜻에서 법거량 (法擧量)이라고도 말함
Dharma discussion, debate, or cross examination: A style of Seon practice demonstrating the living truth directly without recourse to discursive thinking or philosophical or religious doctrine.
It consists of an exchange of words, questions and answers, gestures and responses between two enlightened ones to test each other, or between the master and student as a means of instruction.