[沙彌戒, Samigye]
사미 (沙彌)가 지켜야할 오계 (五戒)를 포함한 10가지 계율
1-5) 오계 (五戒). 6) 높고 넓은 평상 (平床)에 앉거나 자지 말 것. 7) 머리에 꽃이나 보석으로 장식하지 말 것. 8) 몸에 향수를 뿌리지 말 것. 9) 풍류객처럼 노래하고 춤추지 말 것. 10) 때 아닌 때 식사하지 말 것.The ten Buddhist novice precepts: The ten rules that the Buddhist novice should follow. The following additional five precepts (6-10) to the five basic precepts (Ogye) for the young male novice: 1-5) Five basic precepts. 6) Not to sit or sleep on a high and large platform. 7) Not to adorn the head with flowers or jewels. 8) Not to apply perfume to the body. 9) Not to sing or dance like professionals. 10) Not to eat when it is not the time.