[四波羅密, Sabaramil]
두 가지 뜻이 있다. 1) 상락아정 (常樂我淨). 2) 진언밀교에서 금강계 만다라의 주존 (主尊)으로 하여, 동방의 금강바라밀 (전면), 남방의 보생바라밀 (왼쪽), 서방의 법바라밀 (후방), 북방의 갈마바라밀 (오른쪽)의 네 보살
The four Paramitas: There are two kinds. 1) Four virtues: Permanence or eternity, pleasure or joy, true self or personality, and purity. 2) Four Bodhisattvas of the four directions with the main Buddha of Virochana in the center in the Diamond realm mandala: The Diamond Paramita or the Great Buddha Ashobhya of the east in front, the Ratnasambhava Paramita or the Jewel-born One of the south on the left, the Dharma Paramita or the Great Buddha Amitabha of the west in the back, the Karma Paramita or the Great Buddha Amoghasiddhi of the north on the right.