[草衣禪師, Choui Seonsa]
(1786-1866)법명은 의순 (意恂). 초의 (草衣)는 호 (號)로 조선 시대 승려. 저서로 초의집 (草衣集) 2권, 동다송 (東茶禪), 일지암유고 (一枝庵遺稿), 선문사변만어( 禪門四辨漫語) 등이 있으며, 다산 정약용 (茶山 丁若鏞)과 추사 김정의 (秋史 金正喜) 등 명사들과 친히 사귀었다
Seon Master Choui (1786-1866): An eminent Seon Master and poet. His precept name is Uisun, and he left the following writings: The Collected Writings of Choui, Vol. I-II, the Korean Meditation and Tea, The Posthumous Works of Ilji Monastery, the Four Apologies and Rambling Talks on Zen Buddhism. He is also well known for associating with eminent Confucian scholars such as Dasan Jeong Yakyong and Chusa Kim Jeonghui.