[貪, Tam]
범어 (梵語) '연소'라는 뜻 raga의 번역. 심소 (心所)의 이름으로, 삼독 (三毒)의 첫 번째로 온갖 번뇌와 고통의 우두머리. 이는 또 육근본번뇌 (六根本煩惱)의 하나이기도 함. 일반적으로 탐 (貪)을 없애는 데는 부정관 (不淨觀)을 닦음을 요한다
Raga: Craving, or cupidity, the first of the three poisons, craving, anger, and ignorance. It is also the first of the six fundamental afflictions: craving anger, ignorance, pride, doubt, and false view. Its nature is that of defiled attachment to existence and its causes, and it is the primary cause all defilements and sufferings. The way to eradicate craving is commonly known as an insight into impurity.