[通敎, Tonggyo]
천태종 (天台宗)의 교화법 (敎化法)으로, 성문, 연각, 보살의 삼승 (三乘)이 같이 배우는 법. 다시 말해 사람의 근기가 영리하고 둔함에 따라 얕게도 해석하고, 깊게도 해석할 수 있는 교법. 근기가 둔한 사람이 이 교를 얕게 해석하면 장교 (藏敎)와 같은 결과를 얻게 되고, 영리한 사람이 이 교법을 높이 해석하면 별교 (別敎)와 원교 (圓敎)에 통해 들어갈 수 있게 된다. 이렇듯 여러 갈래로 통할 수 있기 때문에 통교 (通敎)라 부름. 화법사교( 化法四敎) 참조
The common, integrated, or intermediate teaching of the Tientai Sect, the teaching that is common to the three vehicles, which embodies both Hinayana and Mahayana doctrines. This teaching method could be applied to either the practitioner of lesser capability or superior capability with concordant effect. That is, if the practitioner is lower minded, he will receive the benefit of the textual teaching, and if the practitioner is higher minded, he will receive the benefit of either differentiated, or perfect and unsurpassed teaching according to his capability.
This is the reason why it is called intermediate teaching. Cf. (Hwabeop Sagyo) Four kinds of teaching of the content of the truth according to the capability of the practitioner, and (Hwabeop Sagyo) Four kinds of teaching according to the form of truth.