[漢巖, Hanam]
(1876-1951) 한국 근대의 승려. 속성은 방 (方). 법호 (法號)는 중원 (重遠). 19세에 출가함. 1926년 오대산 (五臺山)에 들어가 종풍 (宗風)을 천양 (闡揚)하였고, 대한 불교 조계종의 제 2대 종정 (宗正)을 지냄
(1876-1951) A venerable priest of the modern age of Korea. His lay family name was Bang, and his precept name was Jungwon. He took ordination at the age of 19, and went to Odae Mountain and spread the tradition of the Order far and wide. He served as the Second Supreme Patriarch of the Jegye Order of Korean Buddhism.